Digital Marketing Education

Since its my own blog, and it is not the 'high-traffic' one i think it is okay to re-edit the content. :D

So, last couple weeks i stumbled upon an article about US education from Fast Company

A Core Curriculum To Create Engaged Entrepreneurs is an article written by Cathy Davidson. *Golly. This lady is a Prof in Duke University who taught in PhD lab of Digital Knowledge* Cathy pictures the condition of professional-education and academical-education world. That there's so many college student dropped out because of the following factors: LACK OF funds, interest, mentorship, and real world relevance. This is a serious issue, real world relevance is the thing that most graduate student face when they enter the working environment. I feel her, this is also the problem in my contry, Indonesia. there were many student that faced by unclear choice. bet because life must go on, they will just pick up the major that might be suitable with their talent.
Cathy is conducting some survey to a samples of employer. As she summarized, these are the thing that employee was always they are looking in a leader:
  •  excellence in written and spoken communication
  •  critical and creative thinking
  •  ability to collaborate across distances and cultural differences
  •  breadth of knowledge and experience that takes students out of localism and provincialism
  •  basic technical skills
  •  quantitative literacy
  •  an ability to be flexible and take risks in changing environments
I bet, it will be hard to earn those skills only from professional school or only academical school. A homework for us, the educator, the industry, and the people itself, even me. everyone needs to upgrade their-self.
Talking about my field, i can say that im kinda have a shortage in internet marketing people, there are al lot of potential people that still lives outside our 'layer'. i even found out that many of informatics engineering student do not have any idea about what is happening between this industry and Google. ( i dont know. maybe in other school the student is more educated about this)

But the point is, I need to build an education institution of internet marketing (okay, I'm lack of inconsistency. the title was digital marketing education). Anyway, I already do little research about what we already have here, some agencies already conduct a training or even bootcamp about digital and online PR, however there's still something missing. A patent, valid, independent and credible curriculum. It is not their fault, this is because the digital industry in Indonesia is learning by themself, they prefer growing their business instead of also growing a research center, along with the changes that always happen in digital, they just absorb it from the central (US).

Therefore, I need to engage with another partner that would supply us a structured knowledge about digital industry. Mutual cooperation, we need syllabus, while they need to expand their market to Asia region. I already approached several institution and found out that most of them are in European continent, i also found out that Ireland is the Europe 'sillicon valley', that insight brings me to the DMI Institute. DMI is one of the most reputable Digital Marketing education institution in Europe, they are providing a complete course that will support your career path in digital marketing. They are also partnering with various kind of vendor from agencies, to technology company. I was able to have an opportunity to open a license possibility. 

However, as you might know that universe is always conspiring you to have choice in life, a week ago my boss inform me that another party just approach us to cooperate in opening a Digital Marketing training (what a coincidence, like I said). This party is E-Consultancy, a UK-based digital company that is founded in 1999 (years before internet is still nothing), they are really strong in content and community, they provide various service that beneficial for professional.

So then me and my team had a meetup with them, getting to know each other and talking about the opportunity. What I love about them is the strong digital content and report that they have (they are reach enough only by getting the membership fee), and the most important thing is that they will do full support in terms of getting client because the big corporates in the regional is doing the training with them.

All in all, that's about the project. for me, this is the best opportunity that could ever happen. It is always true in Al-Insyirah, after a hard time, there will always a relief. But don't forget, keep up your hard work! \m/


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